Naruto Im Not Going Through Puberty Again

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Naruto Fanfiction Recommendations And Requests

  • Thread starter cthulhu fartagn
  • Start appointment
cthulhu fartagn
  • #1
Around a yr ago, a thread was created for the worm fandom, to deed every bit a much reduced version of the ideas thread snippet alphabetize. The purpose is exactly what it says on the tin, a thread for loftier quality fics to be recommended, or request for a specific one to exist located.

Yesterday, i asked if there was a similar thread for Naruto. To the best of my knowledge, at that place is not.


Has everyone seen any good stories lately?

Also, for the record, the ideas thread is HERE.

Ser Serendipity
  • #2

Cool. I'm gonna take this opportunity to lay down my standard rec list.

Spring of the Plague and A Dream of Winter. Some of the well-nigh under-appreciated stories in the fandom.

Ricochet, for it's hysterical dialogue and spot on characters.

Looking Glass, both for WAFF and fun fights.

Daybreak and information technology's sequel, for being the best Alternate Part ii Story ever.

Dreaming of Sunshine, for being a genuinely interesting SI (though dragging in places).

Seal Shatter, for doing what tons of fanfiction doesn't and actually telling a self-independent story to its logical decision.

Take hold of 22, for being beautiful, incredibly non-canon, and a convenance ground of good ideas.

Chasing Yesterday.

Fourth dimension and Over again and Here and At present, for being the all-time damn Peggy Sues Naruto has.

Team viii, which has aged poorly just is even so a damn good story.

Anything always by Narf For The Garthoc, considering that guy/girl/living reckoner knows how to write heartwarming comedy.

Spying No Jutsu and A Very Naruto Christmas, because Gudman.

In the Claret, because OC'southward.

White Rain, because it and In the Blood were separated at birth and raised in very different households.

Team vii: A Retelling, because ninja-tanks.

Not bad Association Days, 'cause Kenchi finally figured out how to write a great story rather than an okay ane.

It'southward For a Good Crusade, I Swear! needs no introduction.

Resilience of Time, another skilful Peggy Sue.

Movie Script (and indeed, anything else by Mistress of Sarcasm), for being an crawly character slice.

As the Last Leaf Falls, the fic AlmostElectric is currently neglecting in favor of Uzumaki.

Decease of a Kage Bunshin, Super-Happy Funtime with Sai, Monochrome, Pull a fast one on, Hawk and Flower, Better to Honor, Perspective, Tempered in Flame, The Sage'southward Mind Wandering Take a chance, A Justifiable Alibi, Please Drinkable Responsibly when Saving the World: all crawly 1-shots.

The Windmill Turns Both Ways, for an interesting Part 1 graphic symbol to Role ii story.

The but Madara/Deidara story I'll e'er approve of, Still Life of an Annihilation.

Igornerd's Drunken Space-Time Ninjutsu.


AQZT'southward Deportment and Words.


Last edited:
  • #iii

Absurd. I'g gonna take this opportunity to lay downwardly my standard rec list.

Spring of the Plague and A Dream of Wintertime. Some of the most under-appreciated stories in the fandom.

Ricochet, for it'southward hysterical dialogue and spot on characters.

Looking Glass, both for WAFF and fun fights.

Daybreak and it'south sequel, for being the best Alternate Role two Story ever.

Dreaming of Sunshine, for being a genuinely interesting SI (though dragging in places).

Seal Shatter, for doing what tons of fanfiction doesn't and actually telling a cocky-contained story to its logical conclusion.

Catch 22, for being beautiful, incredibly non-catechism, and a convenance ground of skillful ideas.

Chasing Yesterday.

Time and Over again and Here and Now, for being the best damn Peggy Sues Naruto has.

Team viii, which has anile poorly but is nevertheless a damn skillful story.

Anything ever by Narf For The Garthoc, because that guy/daughter/living computer knows how to write heartwarming one-act.

Spying No Jutsu and A Very Naruto Christmas, because Gudman.

In the Blood, because OC'southward.

White Rain, because it and In the Blood were separated at birth and raised in very unlike households.

Team 7: A Retelling, because ninja-tanks.

Great Clan Days, 'cause Kenchi finally figured out how to write a great story rather than an okay one.

It's For a Good Cause, I Swear! needs no introduction.

Resilience of Time, another good Peggy Sue.

Moving picture Script (and indeed, anything else by Mistress of Sarcasm), for existence an awesome graphic symbol piece.

As the Last Leaf Falls, the fic AlmostElectric is currently neglecting in favor of Uzumaki.

Death of a Kage Bunshin, Super-Happy Funtime with Sai, Monochrome, Fox, Hawk and Flower, Better to Honour, Perspective, Tempered in Flame, The Sage's Mind Wandering Gamble, A Justifiable Excuse, Delight Drink Responsibly when Saving the Earth: all awesome one-shots.

The Windmill Turns Both Ways, for an interesting Function 1 character to Office 2 story.

The only Madara/Deidara story I'll always approve of, Even so Life of an Annihilation.

Igornerd's Drunken Space-Time Ninjutsu.


AQZT's Actions and Words.


Any skilful recent i? No criminal offense, but they are all erstwhile
Ser Serendipity
  • #4
Any good contempo one? No offense, but they are all old
Hmm. Gally'south Squad seven, Menace's Radiant Nighttime (and other stuff), Chasing Yesterday for an okay SI, A Different Curlicue for lighthearted AI, I'grand Not Going Through Puberty Over again for silly time travel.
  • #5
Hmm. Gally's Squad 7, Menace'due south Radiant Night (and other stuff), Chasing Yesterday for an okay SI, A Different Coil for lighthearted AI, I'k Non Going Through Puberty Once more for silly fourth dimension travel.
AFAIK, Chasing Yesterday is not an SI. Unless yous count it as a in-universe SI.
Ser Serendipity
  • #half-dozen
AFAIK, Chasing Yesterday is not an SI. Unless you count it as a in-universe SI.
My bad. Was thinking of something else. A Play With Words, possibly.
  • #seven

A Minato, Naruto story where Minato tries to exist "in that location" for Naruto in his early on years. With a twist.

Minato's growing up story with Kushina.

In fact story idea, which I'g sure is done, Naruto gets lured in by Danzo just for this experiment, the guy knowing he tin can never indoctrinate Naruto without seeing Kakashi,Jiraiya and Sandaime going for his throat. instead he injects Naruto with Hashirama's cells, expecting Naruto to either go berserk and proceeds political capital from that or him growing more probable to control the Kyuubi'southward power for the leaf village. He then uses Shisui's middle to erase any show of it from Naruto'south center to comprehend his tracks with a fail condom for Naruto obey him? What would happen longterm? Interesting in my opinion.

Edit: I would become for the experiment screwing upward Naruto's chakra command even more than. Making him the same every bit canon self. Subsequently on? That's where things become more fun!

If anyone knows.


Am I nonetheless in the year 3050?
  • #8
Alright, my input.

Fair warning, then to speak, applies to all stories in the listing: no slash, no harems, no mysterious bloodlines/doujutsus/inheritances/long-lost relatives and such are coming out of author's donkey, no ridiculous levels of overpowered for no credible reason, no happy-become-lucky idiots equally main characters, no chasing mobs, no bashing in whatsoever class, no drama queens and soap operas, etc. Most all of them are a couple of notches more serious than your usual Naruto fanfic. They aren't so-called 'darkfics', for me such a characterization usually indicates some other piece of utter bullshit for hormonal teenagers to enjoy. There are some exceptions, but they are few and far between. Stories in the list are just a little more serious, a bit more realistic.

Walk on the Moon past SixPerfections. Self-Insert, OC, Ino's elder sister.
There are questions that must never be answered by Novrier. OC. Escaped lab rat of Orochimaru, limited usage of Shikotsumyaku, combat efficiency(for in one case!) and not bad teachning habits.
The Darkest Calorie-free by Persnikitty. Naruto/Zatoichi crossover. Seriously, it is.
The Commencement Shifting Grain past Cadel. Featuring Gaara, time traveler extraordinaire.
Venatori past The Laughing Phoenix. Adventures of Hyuuga Hinata and Aburame Shino as proud members of the Oinin Corps.
Heroes of the Sharingan by Scandalist. Obito was on fourth dimension to relieve Rin. He'southward a good boy.
Devil's Advocate by livezinshadowz. Zetsu isn't a member of the Akatsuki, simply humble(and secret) educator of Konoha resident jinchuuriki in the ways of life and shinobi-related topics.
Plucking Strings by Digitize27. Featuring Naruto the Puppeteer. Somewhat deranged one, simply that is to be expected if you're picking Akasuna no Sasori as your function model.
Inoue Shiori by Hermionechan. Warm and fluffy self-insert(-ish) story of the noncombatant woman with penchant for tea-making, blistering sweets and making coin out of it. Fun role? Married to Kakashi.

All of the above were updated in the 2015 at least once.

cthulhu fartagn
  • #ix
Inoue Shiori by Hermionechan. Warm and fluffy self-insert(-ish) story of the civilian adult female with penchant for tea-making, baking sweets and making coin out of it. Fun office? Married to Kakashi.

*goes to get tea*
*sips tea*
*does a spit take*

I'thousand sorry, what? excuse me, i need to read this.


That one hardcore Nozoeli fan in SB
cthulhu fartagn
  • #eleven
Wasn't there a fanfic where Naruto basically misinterpreted puppet jutsu, created a behemothic mech, got Kankuro and Ino to want to accept his babies. Made Sasori and Deidara worship him, and even Neji said "screw this!"

everyone know what this is, or where to discover information technology?


Got the whole world talkin King Kiba
  • #12
I Get Stabby

After a discussion with Spiderman, Deadpool gets the motivation to actually practice something. The Result: Uzumaki Naruto, imposing his volition on the marvel universe, ane hero or villain at a fourth dimension.

Deadpool teleports Naruto to Curiosity 616. Stupidity occurs.

Tin God

Hidan oneshot.

The Life Game by TwinTrouble, A Kakashi,Obito story. Sakumo has to oversee their growth. Lots of grapheme issues.

Anyway, Façade a 1 shot in Kisame tries to understand Itachi. A man of many faces and no impressions.

Atlas by Kagaseo. I'g curious almost this. Naruto tries to survive without chakra. Did anyone take a expect? I observe the thought as well outlandish considering what nosotros see in canon.

In the meantime, a sad little ii-shot featuring Kakashi and the Uchihas, shortly after Obito's death.
https://world wide

In face up here's a rec. on-On-Turning

Naruto travels back in time and takes in the Ame kids.

New, only promising story.

Leaves of Grass
Desperate mothers will practise anything to protect their children, even sign them up to become kid soldiers. SI/ third state of war era AU.
Rated: Fiction Grand - English - Drama - Jiraiya, Tsunade S., Orochimaru, OC - Chapters: five - Words: 47,294 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 203 - Follows: 261 - Updated: Jun three - Published: Apr 26 - id: 11210503

Then I was trawling through the bowels of FF.Net in search of an AU where Kurama was a behemothic steampunk robot... or something. I elected not to read information technology at the time when I first discovered it, and all I had was a half-remembered summary (never did find information technology). anyway, as I was scrolling downwardly the list of fics that independent the words "giant" and "fox", I spotted one with a comprehend that amused me, and on a whim, clicked on it. Now, normally, anyone who knew the reputation of FF would expect that to be a great fashion to detect godawful shite. I exercise know that reputation, and did look that. I was pleasantly surprised.

Regressed. In which Naruto and Sasuke are apartment-mates, Krurama is a teenager (in giant chakra-play a trick on years), Sakura kicks ass in taijutsu, and I have only institute 1 typo.

Information technology's quite good.

And to stay on topic hither, a fanfic rec: Just One Chance past AmunRa
It's role of that Naruto fanfic seam of 'post-Orochimaru wreaking havoc whilst using Sasuke's body' stories that's fallen out of fashion, but I think it deserves more reads than information technology has. No romance at all. Only plot.

A Different Legend by Infamous Storm was an interesting story earlier it went and died. A genius who is also Shikamaru to practice things, subsequently a while has to face why he really is that manner.

Have you lot tried Titania and The Hunter? It's actually pretty skilful, though I don't know how you experience nigh NaruxErza fics...

But yep. That, and A New World, The Story of a Lost Shinobi are definitely favorites of mine when it comes to NarutoxFairy Tail crossovers.

There'south a quote in the quote I can't quote a quoted quote
cthulhu fartagn
  • #15
have a agglomeration of time travel stories.

2d chance: azure blueish moon rewritten, in which fem!naruto is dumped in the association era, marries madara, and prevents him from going crazy.

bullheaded and unseeing, where a chibified sakura is dumped in the past shortly subsequently the kyuubi attack.

time braid, squad seven is stuck in time loops. all of them, simply not at the same time. sakura axial. (nsfw?)

chuunin exam 24-hour interval. a good story, only tends to cause arguments. i dislike the catastrophe.

  • #16
Remove the link to time braid, information technology'southward NSFW.
cthulhu fartagn
  • #17
Remove the link to time braid, it's NSFW.

information technology is?
  • #eighteen
I'one thousand non going to say annihilation.
Y'all are a hero.


Got the whole globe talkin King Kiba
  • #19

Laterality is an SI fic. Main character is Minato's piffling sister. Information technology's interesting just in some places information technology drags on.

I read Effloresco Secundus but cypher like sorting Naruto characters to HP houses.

"I like Radiant Nights, and would really like to see information technology updated soon! It uses Kaguya as a major character - or intends to - and I think that'south a neat thought, and so far the writing level is fairly loftier."

Rainy Days updated. A sakura time travel fic.

It fits. Then over again, jinchuriki in some of the more notable examples take always been close to the administration of the villages. Naruto was chosen to be stiff by his father for Konoha.

This "insular" nature of succession may have turned the Uchiha bitter. Just one Uchiha hokage candidate would probably unruffle a lot of ruffled feathers.

Edit: That's why I like Hurricane Suite because while Naruto has notwithstanding a seemingly great pedigree. At first he had no one. Not even Kakashi. He wasn't a jinchuriki who would exist guaranteed an insane amount of chakra.

Hurricane Suite

There is a fic with a premise like to this, just it cuts out the infatuation part and skips right to the sudden spousal relationship role. Information technology's called Brawl and Chain -

Another quote quote rec
Uchibi Sasuke

Summary: Crackfic, AU. The Third Hokage granted Uchiha Itachi'south request to spare the Uchiha children, only to realize too tardily that they were all horrible devil children. Literally. Which may be why Naruto fits correct in with the residue of the little monsters Sasuke's besides busy raising to breed.

Ameliorate Left Unsaid has been updated. In which Naruto annoys Sasuke and Iwa can now sink underneath the basis.

It seems while I like some of the different Sis, I tin't actually similar a story where the MC tells a 4 yr old Naruto off to leave her alone. Never mind it being like I volition snap your neck if you lot don't leave me alone.

Anyway, I think on Hinata and Naruto relationship, it's a mixed bag for in story reasons. I'm of the opinion which was kind of confirmed by the manga later that Naruto's bad bookish career was because he was shunned. His feelings of being alone and unwanted despite his boasts about the hokage, didn't permit him grow and develop as a ninja. As soon as you pierce that chimera with competent people similar Hinata or Tenten, either there has to be an in story reason to follow catechism or it volition be well-nigh likely a tedious rehash.

If you change his university years, so it by and large becomes about the person who acknowledged him first. If it's Hinata then nearly of the tension in story has been resolved at the get-go. Then you take to find other ways to go along the story going.

Cutting Loose is an case in this vein of thinking.

  • #20
I looked for the chapter that stuck out in my mind the most - chapter 21, information technology is. Information technology's definitely NSFW.
cthulhu fartagn
  • #21
I looked for the affiliate that stuck out in my mind the about - chapter 21, it is. It'south definitely NSFW.


oh. forgot about that. i thought you were talking about sasuke doing the matter to sakura with… the illusion mindscape one. (has no idea how to spell information technology)

  • #22
By: R.Chiliad. Waffles
Canon/ Slight AU - After one change causes Team vii'southward teamwork to deteriorate completely, Kakashi thinks it'due south virtually time he adjusts his training tactics. A story most overcoming disabilities, fixing friendships, and discovering relationships.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 119,751 - Reviews: 253 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 105 - Updated: Dec 10, 2010 - Published: Jan 17, 2010 - Status: Complete - id: 5673372

Air current-Waker

Sails to Tomorrow on the Winds of the Past
  • #23
The thing that proved EvilFuzzy9 is actually pretty decent when he isn't stewing in his own perversion. Too somehow canon compliant, and has an actually tolerable version of Sasuke.

I Am Not Going Through Puberty Once again!

Our heroes did non come from a future where everything has gone horribly wrong. They did non travel back in time to save the world from a dour or miserable fate. Every bit a matter of fact, all they want to do is find a way dorsum home every bit soon as possible. [cracky, epilogue-compliant fourth dimension travel fic] [At present has a Boob tube Tropes page!]
Rated: Fiction T - English language - Humor/Parody - [Sakura H., Sasuke U.] [Hinata H., Naruto U.] - Chapters: 22 - Words: 132,074 - Reviews: 1,731 - Favs: 3,002 - Follows: 3,558 - Updated: Jun 1 - Published: Nov 29, 2014 - id: 10857388

  • #24

Any good Naruto fic where the ninja or at least some acts similar real ninjas?
Stealth and assasination techniques that doesn't sound like a thousand chirping birds.

Ser Serendipity
  • #25

Any good Naruto fic where the ninja or at to the lowest degree some acts like existent ninjas?
Stealth and assasination techniques that doesn't audio like a one thousand chirping birds.

Don't have annihilation, merely serious question, why?

Because that's kinda like... 80% of Naruto.

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